(888) 208-0020 [email protected]

As Utility Auditors, part of our job is to discover overcharges and to request the appropriate refunds on our clients’ behalves. 

Not long ago, we were hired by a strip mall owner on a contingency basis, to determine why their water bills had increased by an outrageous $5,000 a month. 

Leak Detection is a valuable tool in situations like these where it is apparent the water is not being used to the extent that the bill is suggesting. We were able to quickly determine the location of the leak and the source of the overcharge and immediately notified the Jersey City Water Department or, JCMUA (above).

However, unlike other  water  departments we have dealt with, (and we’ve dealt with many)  the J.C.U.M.A would only provide a 55% refund, and not the full 100% our  client was  entitled to. Are they to spend what little refund they have trying to sue the taxpayers of Jersey City?

Luckily, this case was an anomaly. Our company has a proven track record of obtaining full refunds for our clients. The best part? For our clients, we always say, “No Refund – No Charge”

What do you have to lose but more money down the drain by not giving us a call?

If you have had a water leak in the last 6 years…

Or your water and utility bills are simply much too high for your usage… 

Contact Us Today.

1- 877- 208 – 0021
