by Sean Murray | Feb 9, 2015 | Reduce Overhead Costs, Save Money, Save on Shipping, Shipping and Transportation, Shipping Costs, Uncategorized
Our audit partners’ state of the art Freight Software audits a number of attributes within each shipping transaction.
What is checked?
- Delivery date/time
- Rates
- Accessorial Fees
- General Ledger Codes
- Inbound/3rd Party Usage
- Residential Delivery Confirmation
- LTL Class and Much, Much More.
Real time reporting is available by signing on the secure website. The site will offer you the ability to pull down your custom reports.
We help our clients improve their transportation data flow, eliminate carrier miscalculations and maximize efficiencies while saving you money and time. We will amass clean accurate data to be imported back into your accounting software, eliminating overhead and general ledger errors. Our proprietary audit and payment software provides our premier clients a customizable tool to better manage their supply chain costs and increase overall profitability.
For more information or to start getting a handle on your shipping and transportation costs, Contact Paul Steberger Directly via email or call (877)208-0021

by Sean Murray | Jun 30, 2014 | Reduce Overhead Costs, Save Money, Uncategorized, Utility Auditing, Utility Bills
1. Get money back from utilities.
Did you know that as much as 80% of utility bills have errors? Utility bill auditors can recover past over-payments without costing you a cent.
Applied Utility Auditors Can Help
2. Conduct an energy audit.
Professionals can visit your site to identify wasted energy and inefficient equipment. Even recommend shifting some production to off hours to lower your electrical bill. Contact your electricity and gas providers who often provide this service for FREE.
3. Review TeleCostly Services.
Nearly 90% of telecom bills are incorrect. A Telecom Bill Auditor can help you recover over payments – and guide you, if necessary toward a more effective and appropriate provider or plan.
Telecom Auditing Specialist Paul Steberger Can Help!

Limit the Lights.
Activate lights by motion detectors or turn off lights when not needed. Consider disconnecting lights from unoccupied areas of facilities and replacing them with tap-light.
5. Soft on the Wallet Software.
Buy used software – Many online auction sites (like Ebay) have a good selection. Make an investment in your company’s future by turning to the cloud. Cloud Hosted Applications can save you tons of money in ongoing expenses. 
6. Stuff the Cracks.
Improve your insulation and seal air leaks on the premises to reduce HVAC costs.
7. On-site Storage.
Stop using offsite storage – make a place on-site or consider disposing or selling it – Remember, out of sight and out of mind does not mean it’s not still out of pocket.

8. There’s No Place Like Home-Base.
Stop all non-essential travel and stay close to the office – use the phone, video conferencing or Internet meetings (where documents can be shared between computers).

9. Cash in on Space.
Lease out unused office space as office condos or unused facility space as storage space.

10. Don’t Pay for the Paper
Many businesses still pay for paper publications out of sheer habit. Magazine, newsletter and newspaper subscriptions can often be converted to electronic subscriptions for less or for free.