by Sean Murray | Jan 6, 2022 | AT&T, Electric Bills, Refunds and credits from PSE&G, Telecom, Telecom Bills, Telecom Refunds, Utility Auditing, Utility Bills
One of the refunds we secured for a town in New Jersey
We may be able to do this for you.
No fee if no refund
Good Morning Paul,
I credited account #2DG29572 in the amount of $4,223.50 which posted to that account on 12/16/14 for the time period of 01/17/14 through 11/26/14 for the incorrect pricing.
In order to possibly provide you further credit for the dropped pricing/contract rates; we would need to submit for a Settlement. If you are interested in a possible Settlement; please let me know and I will submit for approval to begin the Settlement process.
To track the status of this request, visit the Verizon Enterprise Center online at If you are not already registered, simply click the “enroll now” button to register.
Thank you for choosing Verizon.
Charles V
Customer Care | Verizon Enterprise Solutions
by Sean Murray | Aug 11, 2020 | Cost Recovery, Electric Bills, Refunds and credits from PSE&G, Save Money, Utility Auditing, Utility Bills
1000’s of Customer’s Accounts Audited
80% Overcharged
Average Savings 17%
Get money back at no cost. Over 35% of utility, telecom, internet bills have errors. Do yours?
We review our clients’ utility/energy bills and determine if there are errors or
overcharges that have been paid, that can be refunded.
At no cost to you we have our staff analyze your bills to determine any incorrect charges, i.e.: classification, surcharges, tariffs, taxes, demand charges, etc.
Remember, this program is on a contingency basis, meaning we only get paid if you get your refund.
We provide in-depth auditing of utility bills to identify opportunities for cost control, to uncover errors, and to secure client savings and refunds. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Here are some examples of the refunds we have secured for our clients:
Request a Free Audit by completing the form below or clicking this button.
Click: Start Saving
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Company name
Zip Code
by Sean Murray | Jul 1, 2020 | Utility Bills
Monthly Statement JUNE2013 WE SECURED A $ 44,000.00 + REFUND FOR THIS TOWN
Account number 6985636403
Invoicenumber: 603002799729
For service at
1 855-BIZ-PSEG(249-7734)
Emergencies 24 hours/7days
Business customer service 7 AM – 8 PM Mon- Fri
7 AM – 5 PM Sat
Visit our website
Inquiries bymail PSE&G POBox14444
NewBrunswickNJ 08906-4444
Important Dates
Your payment
is dueNovember 22, 2013.
Your meter(s) arescheduled to be read onor about December 02.
To makeapayment fromacredit card LogIn to My Account at pseg.comor call 1 800-704-3289
If you’ll beaway onyour meter readingday, LogIn to My Account at pseg.comor call 1
69 856 364 03
This a refund we secured for a town in North Jresey
Account Summary
PSE&Gbalancefromlast bill $74,824.24
Current PSE&G- Unmetered Charges 959.07
Other PSE&G Charges and Credits – seepg. 4 REFUND -44,890.07
REFUND Total Amount Due On Nov 22, 2013 $30,893.24
PSE&Ghas proposeda $3.9 billi on, 10-year plan to make New Jersey “Energy Strong” andstrengthen utility infrastructurein thefaceof increasingly extremeweather. The programwill create5,800jobsandreducethelikelihoodandimpact of futureoutages. Visit njenergystrong.comto learn more.
Register for PSE&G’s new, free text and email notification service called MyAlerts. Onceregistered, youcan receivepower outageupdates andaccount notifications anywhere, anytime, to anycell phonenumber that is capableof text messaging. Login to My Account at pseg.comandclickon”ManageMyAlerts”. For moreinformation, visit or seetheenclosed insert.
Please slow down and respect traffic coneswhen you see work being done on the roads. Bepatient andcareful, andfollowthetraffic control warningsaroundjobsites.
scheduled date, to submit your
At PSE&G, we are committed to supporting your business needs.
That’s whywe
created adedicated, toll-freephonenumber to addressyour energyquestionsandconcerns.
PSE&G’s Business Solutions Center is availableMonday-Friday, 7:00a. -8:00p.m. andSaturday, 7:00a. -5:30p.m. at 1-855-249-7734 (1-855-BIZ-PSEG).
by Sean Murray | Mar 30, 2015 | New Jersey, Reduce Overhead Costs, Uncategorized, Utility Auditing, Utility Bills, Water Bills
As Utility Auditors, we see this kind of outrageous over-billing often. $115 million, in this instance, will be refunded thanks to rarely seen sanctions against this type of behavior.
If you believe your business or investment property has been overbilled – on any utilities – do not hesitate to contact a Professional Utility Auditor – Immediately. Applied Utility Auditors offers no – risk services. We only get paid if you get a refund. Don’t get over your head in overhead.
Call Paul Today: 877 208 0021
JCP&L rates to drop slightly after ruling
March 18, 2015 Last updated: Wednesday, March 18, 2015, 5:29 PM
Staff Writer |
The Record
Electricity users in six Passaic County communities and all of Morris County will see their rates drop slightly in the next few months following a ruling Wednesday by state regulators that sanctioned Jersey Central Power & Light for overbilling customers, but also let the company recoup money spent repairing damage from major storms.
In a unanimous vote at a meeting in Trenton, the Board of Public Utilities ordered JCP&L to refund $115 million to customers through the rate reduction, mostly to cover overcharges for power grid maintenance throughout its northern and central New Jersey territory from 2008 to 2011.
But the board also ordered that ratepayers pay for $736 million JCP&L spent restoring power following Superstorm Sandy and other bouts of severe weather since then that caused blackouts of up to two weeks.
The net result of formulas that parcel out those expenses over varying periods of time will be a $34 million cut in the company’s annual revenue and a drop of 1.2 percent, or $1.68, in its average residential monthly bill, according to the board. The exact month when bills will drop has not been set, but should come this spring, said BPU spokesman Greg Reinert.
JCP&L’s 1.1 million customers include 15,400 in six Passaic County municipalities – Wayne, West Milford, Wanaque, Pompton Lakes, Bloomingdale and Ringwood – and 197,000 in Morris County.
“Today’s order ensures that JCP&L is providing safe and proper service at just and reasonable rates, while also securing and being mindful of the company’s financial integrity,” said BPU President Richard Mroz.
The decision represents a middle-ground between a $207.5 million revenue reduction sought by a state consumer advocacy office and a request by JCP&L for a rate hike to cover increased expenses and storm-related costs.
In January, a state administrative law judge largely sided with claims by the office, known as the Division of Rate Counsel, that JCP&L used complex accounting techniques to return too much profit to its parent company, FirstEnergy Corp. of Akron, OH. The judge said the issue of storm costs should be addressed in a separate proceeding.
The BPU, however, combined both matters into one.
The ruling was criticized by Stefanie Brand, director of the Rate Counsel’s office, for rejecting the office’s request for retroactive rate cuts and postponement of storm-cost repayment.
“I’m disappointed,” she said. “It’s still a reduction. But I think they should have taken into account the fact that ratepayers had been paying too much for a number of years. They could have phased this in.” She declined to say if the order would be appealed.
Ronald Morano, a spokesman for JCP&L, said the company would review the order before commenting, but noted that it planned $254 million in improvements this year. Those include new circuits, upgraded utility poles, flood-proofing around power transfer stations and tree-trimming around power lines. The latter effort is aimed at a key problem in the company’s largely suburban and rural territory.
Wednesday’s ruling ends an unusually long-running case involving claims that disputed, in highly arcane terms, the write-offs, equipment depreciation and other accounting techniques used to set rates that generate JCP&L’s revenues. A key issue was whether JCP&L collected too much to cover its federal taxes and then used that money to offset taxes owed by other FirstEnergy subsidiaries.
Brand’s office also accused the company of improperly cutting costs, especially on grid maintenance and tree-trimming. JCP&L responded with a case of its own, seeking rate hikes.
by Sean Murray | Mar 10, 2015 | Electric Bills, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Uncategorized, Utility Auditing, Utility Bills
As many New Jerseyans, Pennsylvanians and New Yorkers have come to discover over the winter, the relatively new marketplace for third party suppliers of electricity has not been as great in practice as it may have been in theory.
Many third party suppliers, it seems, have been inexplicably driving up prices on consumers, claiming increased costs due to winter weather — in spite of the non-inflated prices from the primary supplier. A Forbes Contributor went so far as to proclaim this trend a “new scam.”
How are they getting away with this dodgy practice? The marketplace, after all, allows customers to switch suppliers, right?
Unfortunately, switching suppliers can take months to finalize, and some of these companies seem to be exploiting that fact while banking on the docility of others. Late notices for bills threaten power shut-offs and this can also serve in the interest of these price-jackers as people are afraid to take any corrective action.
So what can you do?
Dispute the charges immediately. Switch suppliers immediately. You may also wish to contact your state’s Attorney General and Public Utilities Commission (or their equivalents). In Pennsylvania, the Attorney General is already looking into this matter, and the State Legislature is also launching an investigation.
Are you a business owner or CEO? Is your business spending way too much on energy?
Let Applied Utility Auditors LLC dispute these and other utility overcharges on your behalf.
Contact Paul Steberger of Applied Utility Auditors Today.
by Sean Murray | Aug 29, 2014 | Electric Bills, Gas Bills, Uncategorized, Utility Auditing, Utility Bills, Water Bills, Water Leaks
DID YOU KNOW that utility companies often have more than one rate for commercial/business clients?
GUESS WHAT. They don’t hand out the best rates automatically. Customers must seek better rates for themselves.
The process of finding the best and most appropriate rate can be tedious – and frankly – as a business owner, you’re already busy running your own business.
This is where Applied Utility Auditors can help. We find overcharges for 80% of all clients.
You might be reading this because your business was referred to AUA or because we’ve contacted you about conducting a utility audit and you have questions.
We’re fortunate that the majority of our customers come from happy client referrals.
Here are a few quick points:
First, when you’re with Applied Utility Auditors, you’re in good hands.
Our team has over 75 years of collective experience in auditing:
• Telecom
• Electric
• Gas
• Water/sewer services
• General bill auditing
Second, our job is to find:
• Errors
• Overcharges
• Incorrect rate group assignments
Third, we get to work by:
• Auditing your invoices
• Analyzing usage
• Identifying the errors
Fourth, you reap the benefits:
• Cost and service recommendations are made
• New rates are negotiated with the utility provider
• Everyone’s favorite part: You score a REFUND!
• We continue monitoring your utility bills monthly basis to ensure accuracy
How Does Utility Bill Auditing work?
• Audits are performed on a contingency fee basis
• No errors = no charge to you
• Begin by sending us a copy of a utility bill
• In 2-6 weeks, we’ll have our results and recommendations
What about the money?
1. The refund will either be a check or a credit on future bills.
2. Issue a check to AUA for 50% percent of the refund received.
3. Enjoy your savings! Remember, this is money you have already spent.
The AUA Team looks forward to working with you and adding to your bottom line.