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1. When do your carrier contracts renew?
2. When will you consider your phone system End of Life (EOL) and need replacement?
3. Are there any physical facility adds, moves, or changes in the next 24 months?
4. When do you plan to refresh the following: • Servers • PCs • Any related licensing (OS, Office) Switching/Routing/Firewalls
5. What other IT projects do you either have in your plan or that you want to do in the next 12 months but don’t have the time, budget or staff to do?
6. Do you have your own Exchange Server or use an outside service? Are you satisfied with the cost
and the service?
• Do you plan to deploy Virtual Desktops or Desktop as a Service?
• Do you plan to implement Offsite Server Virtualization?
• Do you have a Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity plan?
• Do you plan to use Off-Site Cloud Back up?
• Do you plan to integrate Office 365 or Google Apps?
• Do you have a BYOD or Mobility plan?
• Do you plan to outsource Help Desk/Managed IT?
• Do you plan to deploy Mobile Device Management (MDM)?
• Do you have any Compliance Needs?
• Do you plan on any new Software Deployment