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This is NOT the kind of surprise most businesses want to find in the mail. A seven-person architecture firm in Georgia can attest to that. TW Telecom, in late March, experienced a 44-hour security take-down. During that time, the firm’s international calling plan was hacked.

In the digital age, telecom hacking has become an increasing problem for small businesses. According to our source story, the Communications Fraud Control Association found that global losses from telephone fraud in 2013 totaled an estimated $46.3 billion — up $6.95 billion from 2011.

Not all frauds are easy to catch. If your business regularly makes and receives calls in and out of the country – these instances can become more difficult to catch.

If you believe you may be getting overcharged for telecom services, it is important to contact experts who can audit your bills and recover your funds. Luckily, the better Telecom Bill Recovery Services will work on a contingency basis.

I have been helping companies reduce their telecom costs for over 30 years. If you would like your telecom contracts thoroughly reviewed by a seasoned expert with a consistent record of securing savings, contact me today.

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Martian Communication: Not What You Think, But Still Awesome

In an effort to speed up data connections between Mars and Earth, NASA has reached out to US and international companies and scientists for solutions.

Currently, NASA depends on satellites used for research carrying specially designed radios – but the current technology is aging, insufficient, and will likely deteriorate before NASA’s budget allows for more satellites to be launched.

The Federal Business Opportunities website (http://FBO.com) states that the project would consist of “orbiters capable of providing standardized telecommunication services for rovers and landers on the Martian surface, in the Martian atmosphere, or in Mars orbit.”

Read More Here.