by Sean Murray | Aug 12, 2020 | Cloud Software, Moving to the Cloud, Reduce Overhead Costs, Remote Workers, The Cloud

Welcome to the next generation of data sharing and storage. We have all heard of ‘The Cloud’, but do you know what the cloud can do for your business? Popular studies such as Deloitte and Booz Allen Hamilton have shown that, when done right, cloud computing can be expected to greatly reduce communication and networking costs. We help you reduce your IT budget by moving to the Cloud with the help of our 75 partners such as Microsoft, Cisco, Verizon, AT&T.
Cloud applications for remote workers are revolutionizing the way companies do business, reducing the costs of maintenance and administrative overhead. Hosted Applications are also known as Internet-Based Applications, Web-Based Applications, Online Applications, or Application Service Providers. Hosted Applications, rather than being stored and installed on a traditional PC hard drive, are accessed via servers stored in other locations
Contact Us for a free analysis and a no-fee project implementation. We are paid by our vendors just like your insurance broker.
by Sean Murray | Feb 16, 2015 | Cloud Computing, Moving to the Cloud, Reduce Overhead Costs, The Cloud, Uncategorized
“Confused by the cloud? You are not alone,” was written by Kirill Bensonoff in December of 2013, and while some of the specific stats may be out of date, the information contained is still relevant today:
Everyone seems quick to throw the word “cloud” around like it’s this decade’s biggest buzzword.
Cloud History
As a concept, the cloud can actually be traced back to the 1950s, when multiple terminals were first connected to one main computer to make more efficient use of expensive mainframes. As technology evolved, scientists naturally turned toward methods of connecting multiple users to one single server located offsite.
In Citrix’s study, 54 percent of respondents stated they hardly ever use cloud computing. Ninety-five percent of those respondents were wrong. Consumers use cloud computing every day to check web-based e-mail, conduct online banking activities, store photos and music, and more. The social media sites frequented by 72 percent of all online adults also count as cloud computing, since users connect to servers located far away to communicate with loved ones and share photos.
Cloud Defined
A cloud is a remote server, located in a data canter owned by a company. Rather than connecting a server in his or her own home or workplace, consumers use the internet to log into one of these faraway sites. For instance, a user’s web-based e-mail is stored on Google’s servers or Microsoft’s servers, secured with a password known only to the user.
Some cloud services charge a subscription rate to store files, media, and even an organization’s entire network infrastructure. For a small monthly fee, a business can pay some other company to take care of all of its files and apps. Each worker in that business can connect to that server from any internet-connected device, accessing all of those files and apps from home, from the road, or while in the office.
Workplace of the Future
The cloud has opened up big possibilities for the future of the workplace. Citrix’s study found that 59 percent of those surveyed feel that the workplace of the future will be housed 100 percent in the cloud. This is convenient for the 40 percent of respondents who stated that being able to access work at home while wearing nothing but their “birthday suit” is the cloud’s biggest advantage.
With the cloud playing such a big part in the future of corporate America, it’s no surprise that many Americans pretend they know what cloud computing is. More than one-fifth of Americans have pretended to understand how the cloud works, while 14 percent have pretended for the sake of a job interview. Consumers are even acting as though they understand the cloud in their personal lives–17 percent of respondents admitted to having lied about knowing how the cloud works while on a date.
Gradually, cloud technology is changing the way we shop, play, and even work. Its important consumers fully understand this game changes the way they dress for work every day.
by Sean Murray | May 21, 2014 | Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, Moving to the Cloud, Uncategorized
“100% of computing will be in the cloud.”
That’s what they say, isn’t it? It turns out- that really isn’t very likely. Data transfer into and out of the cloud is great– at wired speeds. But what of the limitations of our mobile interactions? The U.S. ranks 35th in the world in terms of bandwidth per user, according to the World Economic Forum.
The reality is, more and more “things” are connected to the internet than ever before. Everything from refrigerators to our cars are sending and receiving on the new, “internet of things”.
3g and 4g networks will not be able to maintain the load. Hence the dawn of a new form of computing – and where else but from the things themselves? Not up in the air in some virtual cloud, but among us in our day to day devices. Every day items will soon be picking up the computing load as the new “fog” rolls in.
Cloud computing is still and will remain relevant. But keep an eye out for newer technologies – devices which will soon bypass the cloud altogether and remain in the internet of things- sending data to and from each other.