by Sean Murray | Aug 11, 2020 | Cost Recovery, Electric Bills, Refunds and credits from PSE&G, Save Money, Utility Auditing, Utility Bills
1000’s of Customer’s Accounts Audited
80% Overcharged
Average Savings 17%
Get money back at no cost. Over 35% of utility, telecom, internet bills have errors. Do yours?
We review our clients’ utility/energy bills and determine if there are errors or
overcharges that have been paid, that can be refunded.
At no cost to you we have our staff analyze your bills to determine any incorrect charges, i.e.: classification, surcharges, tariffs, taxes, demand charges, etc.
Remember, this program is on a contingency basis, meaning we only get paid if you get your refund.
We provide in-depth auditing of utility bills to identify opportunities for cost control, to uncover errors, and to secure client savings and refunds. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Here are some examples of the refunds we have secured for our clients:
Request a Free Audit by completing the form below or clicking this button.
Click: Start Saving
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by Sean Murray | Jul 16, 2020 | Cost Recovery
Subject: New Building and your PSE&G bill.
My company may help you receive credits directly from your utility on your electric bill regardless of who you use for supply. We do not offer supply agreements, our process focuses on the service supplied by PSE&G, ConEd, JCP&L and other utility companies in the United States.
It has been my experience that when a building has new electric service installed, or a move to a different building occurs, the utility may not offer the lowest rate. You may be in the correct rate group, but how do you know for sure? Utilities are not obligated; in fact, they state it is not their responsibility to ensure that the customer is in the correct rate as per the tariff on file.
In addition to the above rate issue we look at past bills for errors, or bad meter reads. We have saved money for building owners such as NJIT ($150,000) Kushner, Vornado, First Jersey, and Hilton Realty of Princeton, churches, restaurants such as Checkers, schools such as Memorial Day Nursery in Paterson, companies such as Kyocera MIta ($750,000), The Borough of East Rutherford, and many other businesses throughout the U.S.
It has been said that 15% of the electric meters in use today are inaccurate, which are a source of refunds for our clients? I have secured refunds ranging from $1,500.00 to $750,000.00 for my clients. 70% of the time we find refunds.
I hope to speak with you soon.
Paul Reed Steberger
Paul Reed Steberger, President
As of 1-2019 we just completed another review for NJIT, and they saved approximately $125,000.00 net.
by Sean Murray | Aug 3, 2017 | Cloud Computing, Cost Recovery
Whoever or Whomever?
Learn the rule (or how to avoid the issue).
By Neal Whitman, read by Mignon Fogarty, Grammar Girl June 18, 2011
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Episode #280
It’s time to take another look at a perennial source of confusion and frustration in English grammar: the pronoun “whom.”
I talked about “whom” in episodes 44 and 98, and I’ll give a quick recap to set the stage here, but if you haven’t listened to them yet, or if you’re not sure you remember them, you should go back and listen to them to get the most out of today’s episode.
“Who” Versus “Whom”
In episode 44, “Who Versus Whom,” I covered the basics: “whom” is the objective case of the pronoun “who,” used when “who” is an object in a sentence instead of a subject. For example, you’d use “who” in “Who loves you, baby?” because “who” is the subject of “loves.” But you’d use “whom” in “Whom do you love?” because “whom” is the object of “love” – the “object” of affection.
In episode 98, “Who Versus Whom, Advanced,” I took on more confusing cases, such as “Who do you think did it?” Since there are two verbs–“think” and “did”–at first, you might think it should be “Whom do you think did it.” “Who” isn’t the subject of the verb “think,” but it is the subject of the verb “did.” Since it’s in the subject position, the correct choice is “who.” It’s not different from the simple case we just covered; it’s just that the sentence is a little more complicated.
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by Sean Murray | Jan 27, 2015 | Cost Recovery, Telecom Bills, Telecom Refunds, Telecommunications, Uncategorized
At Applied Utility Auditors and Applied Telecom Solutions, we work with a number of vendors to be sure that you are always getting the exact service you need at the best price possible. We don’t believe in sacrificing quality – or money.
CALL PAUL TODAY! (877)208-0021
Companies such as Alteva are constantly moving with the times to provide better service at better rates than you ever though possible. To review your current Telecom Services, Contact Paul Steberger of Applied Telecom Solutions Today.

by Sean Murray | Sep 3, 2014 | Cost Recovery, Phone Bills, Telecom, Telecom Bills, Telecom Refunds, Telecommunications, Uncategorized
This is NOT the kind of surprise most businesses want to find in the mail. A seven-person architecture firm in Georgia can attest to that. TW Telecom, in late March, experienced a 44-hour security take-down. During that time, the firm’s international calling plan was hacked.
In the digital age, telecom hacking has become an increasing problem for small businesses. According to our source story, the Communications Fraud Control Association found that global losses from telephone fraud in 2013 totaled an estimated $46.3 billion — up $6.95 billion from 2011.
Not all frauds are easy to catch. If your business regularly makes and receives calls in and out of the country – these instances can become more difficult to catch.
If you believe you may be getting overcharged for telecom services, it is important to contact experts who can audit your bills and recover your funds. Luckily, the better Telecom Bill Recovery Services will work on a contingency basis.
I have been helping companies reduce their telecom costs for over 30 years. If you would like your telecom contracts thoroughly reviewed by a seasoned expert with a consistent record of securing savings, contact me today.